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4 things you need to improve workstation ergonomics
4 Things You Need to Improve Workstation Ergonomics
July 5th, 2024

The modern office environment has evolved significantly in recent years, and the emphasis on employee wellness and productivity has increased exponentially. An important aspect of this evolution is the importance of ergonomics in the workplace, which refers to the way office furniture is designed and arranged to fit the needs and comfort of the individual […]

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Transforming Office Spaces with Alberta Office Furniture
Transforming Office Spaces with Alberta Office Furniture
May 28th, 2024

Your office space can significantly impact your team’s productivity and satisfaction, both of which play a big role in your bottom line. When it comes to building office spaces that impact efficiency and employee comfort, Alberta Office Furniture delivers expert office space planning services that are fast and cost-effective. In this post, we’re showcasing the […]

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Calgary Canada’s Up-and-Coming Business Hub
Calgary: Canada’s Up-and-Coming Business Hub
January 2nd, 2024

Calgary is experiencing a notable shift in its business landscape with the arrival of prominent companies, particularly from the tech an innovation sectors. This change signified a diversification from Calgary’s traditional focus on oil and gas with key players such as Infosys and Amazon Web Service establishing headquarters and setting up shop in the city. […]

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Alberta Office Furniture Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays From Alberta Office Furniture
December 11th, 2023

The holiday season is upon us, and in the spirit of celebration, we want to look back on the successes we’ve had this year and give thanks to you—our loyal customers. Whether you’ve purchased an office desk or worked with our team to outfit an entire office this year, we’re grateful for you and your […]

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Office Furniture made in north america
Made in North America: Why Quality Office Furniture Makes a Difference
December 8th, 2023

In an economy where it seems that nearly everything is imported from overseas, there’s been a rising movement in recent years championing the return to locally produced products. The call for local products has become increasingly strong when it comes to furnishings, and Alberta Office Furniture has answered that call by providing a vast selection […]

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Office Furniture vs. Renovations Which is Best for Your Business
Office Furniture vs. Renovations: Which is Best for Your Business?
December 6th, 2023

A comfortable and well-designed office space can improve your mood and productivity, but when it comes to refreshing its look and feel, there’s often a debate between purchasing new office furniture or option for a full-scale renovation. While a renovation can definitely breathe new life into your office, the simplicity of adding demountable office walls […]

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Calgary: North America's Energy Epicenter Awaits
Calgary: North America’s Energy Epicenter Awaits
October 26th, 2023

Calgary may be known for its annual Stampede and close proximity to the Rocky Mountains, but it’s also the epicentre of North America’s energy industry. The city’s economy has been shaped by the oil and gas sector—something that’s earned Calgary a place at the table on a global scale. Whether you’re in the early stages […]

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Why Move Your Business to Calgary Innovating in Calgary's Dynamic Tech Landscape
Why Move Your Business to Calgary? Innovating in Calgary’s Dynamic Tech Landscape
October 23rd, 2023

In a city that’s well-known for its energy sector, the tech industry is making big waves. Thanks to this, Calgary is quickly becoming a hotspot for tech start-ups and big businesses. When the time comes to relocate or expand your own company and design a whole new space with office furniture and inspiring decor, this […]

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DIRTT (Doing It Right This Time) Office Walls
DIRTT (Doing It Right This Time): Office Walls
September 20th, 2023

Here’s an insider tidbit: DIRTT stands for “Doing It Right This Time.” But now, let’s delve into its significance. Traditional construction methods often have setbacks like inflexibility, environmental concerns, noise, and mess. These methods sometimes fail to adapt to evolving needs, making workspace technology updates challenging. Enter DIRTT: An acronym that stands for “Doing it […]

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The Benefits of Updating Your Office Furniture and Installing Demountable Walls Over Renovating
The Benefits of Updating Your Office Furniture and Installing Demountable Walls Over Renovating
September 15th, 2023

The organization of your workspace can significantly influence employee productivity, with surrounding colleagues affecting an individual’s output by up to 15%. It’s essential to align your office layout with the nature of the work, providing private areas for focused tasks and open spaces for collaboration. However, traditional office redesigns can be costly, time-consuming, and often […]

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5 Reasons Why Calgary is Your Ideal Business Launchpad
5 Reasons Why Calgary is Your Ideal Business Launchpad
July 19th, 2023

With its pristine location at the foothills of the Rockies, thriving economic landscape, and innovative business culture, Calgary, in Alberta, Canada, is rapidly emerging as a favourite hub for new entrepreneurs. As a local business in Calgary providing office furniture, here are 5 reasons Calgary is your ideal business launchpad! Simple Tax Policies Canada, with […]

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Best office chair
Guide to Choosing the Best Office Chair
June 14th, 2023

Choosing ergonomic furniture can be overwhelming when setting up a home office or redesigning an office space for your employees. With so many products on the market, narrowing your buying options can take time and effort. Office chairs come in various colours and functions, from task chairs to boardroom seating. So how do you know […]

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